Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In reply to Dad's email

Dude thats way tight man. 1st counsler! an opourtunity to learn a lot more about the gospel too!. but thats tight you and david grover dean nickens. its a good bishopric. praying is crazy. the things you can learn and know from it. pray played a big role for me this week. this week i have changed a lot. ok in my ward here we have a missionary that has been home for about 9 months now but he was assistant to the pres when he served in são paulo and he is amazing he teaches us stuff and techniques that others in our mission dont know! its way good. but on top of that 2 weeks ago another assistant from the same mission returned to our ward and he just got called our ward mission leader. they gave us a bunch of stuff to read and learn man its amazing! they are missionaries excellent! way way way good . so i~m learning so so much. i read a book this week called.. i forgot its like. the conversion to the book of mormon. it was written by a dude that was mission president 3 times. but its a book way way good. you need to read it!. but ok this week was the worst week ever. everyone rejected us. i mean everyone! until sunday we went on splits with the 2 x-assistants and they just blew our minds. but they are just teaching us and were just doing as they say. but they told us to go into the ghetto cuz its the best place to teach. so we went yesterday and we taught 5 lessons in 2 hours. we learned how to teach the restoration in 15 mins like in the house and out in 15 min but so effectivly. this week is going good but last week was the worst week ever. my comp wanted to go home. he has already called pres 2 times to go home and then pres put him with me cuz he said that i was a really excited missionary lol. i think im just always happy joking around but doing the right things at the same time lol. but this week will be great. me and my comp are gonna try to break the records for most lessons in 1 week. cuz here its like 50 at the max, but what the x-assistants taught us you can teach almost 100 in a week and you find the people ready! just wait. but sweet about the calling. i love studying right now. oh ya and i bought an acoustic guitar lol. 25 bucks! it was cheap so i did it but i~m learning how to read music out of the hymn book. but ya mom didnt write me so this is my email for the week lol. thanks for everything. oh ya and today my zone is practicing for the olympics lol. we have olympics on the mission. i dont think i will participate in the soccer part but basketball i~m all in lol. read your rulebook this week lol. its important to follow the rules, you receive guidance and counsel! but thanks for everything. its great here even though way hard! love ya
Elder Arroyo

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