Wednesday, May 26, 2010

i havent seen to many spiders lately!! 5/26

WHOO!!! Threw 2 more in the water last sunday! Alixander with 17 years of age and his little sister danielle with 9 years of age! they went down really well. were still working with there parents there not married yet. but wow listen to this.... every time i take a picture of the baptisms here some how when i go to look at them a week later there all erased??? i dont understand this camera. and its only the baptism pics. i have baptized 4 people here and taken pictures and i have 0 of the pictures....... it makes me so mad. the pics from sunday already have gotten erased and i looked at them yesterday??. if somone here is deleting them with certainty i will be comming home soon for killing someone!. but anyway ya its hard to find new people. but we have 3 more baptisms lined up for this sunday. one lady whos 30 and here husband left here. shes way excited for baptism stopped drinking coffee and is up for the ride then we got alexanders friend who we started teaching. hes excited as well. he took out his tongue ring and just needs to stop drinking coffee and hes in the water. and we got sandra.... but ya so were doing alright here. next week is transferes. hope my comp goes!. just tell the truth. ya so this brother that fixes things for the church came to our house and put up this huge barbed wire fence above our concrete fence lol so that no one can hop in!! he put new door handles on the house and fixed up everything. he bought us paint and were ganna paint our house today! our house is looking a ton better. and i havent seen to many spiders lately!! so the house is good. my stomach is alright. hurts sometimes then is alright. i have gotten used to it. so ya i have started to get into art ive been doing some drawings. without tracing!!!! whoo! i took a pic of the Jesus Christ picture i drew!. i think its good for somene who never drew in life!!. so ya that was my week. so i need a huge huge favor. I NEED SHOES!! my shoes are for real falling apart. the top half of my shoe is comming off. on both shoes. its horrible. im telling you 2 weeks from now these shoes will be sandels lol. so please as fast as you can send me some new shoes.!!!!other than that im going well here. just one more week till transfers...... please let him go!

Love you guys

Elder Arroyo

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Whooo!!!! Chris has like one more month of the "Real Life"

Whats up family! Last week was alright. Our Baptism fell......  but we set another goal for her and she agreed to do a fast with us to see if its right. so me and my comp have been doing all of our work. Our zone has done all its contacts for 3 weeks straight and were going on 4. the record is 5 weeks but everyone has agreed to blow it out of the water. were good!!!. but ya our breakfast was great it was at the Zone Leaders house cuz there in our district and we made pancakes, maple syrup, scrambled eggs (with peppers, cheese, onions.. everything) sandwiches, Yogurt, and Juice!. it was amazing and we already have another activity planned the district that gets the most points on this one gets to have a huge barb e´q!!! and were ganna win!. So the work is going well. we have this one couple that wants to get baptized but there not married so we went to the uhh i dunno how to say it in english but like the place where you officially get married and we talked with them they brought their documents and we marked their marriage for the 12th of june!!! Our members in our ward are ganna help pay. so we marked there baptism on the same day! it will be amazing. so there going along well and we have some other investigators that were helping stop smoking then well throw them in the water too. so the work is moving. me and my comp are doing well too. oh last sunday we had our last music presentation... so they said. but president says were so good that were ganna go to the other stakes that live way far away. hes ganna rent buses and everything. so we got 2 more presentations. president took us all out to this really good resaurant for our good work. and last saterday he had a guy come to our practice to professoinaly record.. well almost professionaly.. but it will be good. well get that CD soon. so how are the kids with ended school. excited. hope chris doesnt fall when he graduates lol!!! but ya hope you all are doing well. im ganna send yall some pics in a sec. you got to see this picture i drew of Jesus. the best thing ive ever drawn!



Elder Arroyo

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Early Bird 5/12

Ya so im on early today! Im about to go to a Super Mega Breakfast that our district won!!! we had this competition going on these past 2 weeks. out of 3 districts in our zone. it was who could teach the most first lessons got points and who had the most new investigators, baptizimal dates, investigators in sacrament it was all worth points but to get a total of points for the week you had to do all your contacts or they didnt count! but ya our district won!!! whoo so we won a huge breakfast!. but ya it was great talking to you guys on the phone it was just not enough time!!! but 7 more months from here and well be back on the phone. So there were some things i forgot to tell you guys!. So ya sunday i went to lunch and it was way way way far away. like out in the forrest right. but when we got there. The members wife came out and theyre like in the 60´s right. and shes like elders! Come on in and she opens up here arms and im like uhh sister i can hug you. and shes like "Todays mothers day and im every missionarys mom!" and just wraps here arms around me. it was great. i think she even kissed me on the cheek. i cant remember i was like petrified. but ya so she like barbequed and everything it was a wonderful lunch. and they are like the pioneers from brazil. the first registered members in brazil!!! well ther family is. it was their parents who have already died! but it was cool to see the stuff they had!. and then last sunday night we did a family night with a less active family and 2 investigators and i made COOKIES of course. and my cookies are amazing and everyone love them. i left them a bunch of cookie dough too. and they said they made the rest of the cookies and brought it to their work and said that everyone wanted the recipe lol. so im giving the recipe and calling it "The Arroyo" lol. im so good! oh ya so one other thing i need to know. like have you guys bought my shoes yet??. cuz the ones im using now are cracked on the bottom and the leather is ripping on the side! its nuts and its ganna start raining a ton!  but ya. so theres this member in our branch and hes a new member and hes an artist!! and he just loves me now. so he is ganna draw a picture of our family. ( i gave him pictures to base off of) and i want him to paint a picture of you and dad in front of the san diego temple. so you guys got to send me a good picture so i can get it to him and he is making this big painting for me... its will be like this...... there are 2 roads and the view is from where the road forks and then the scenery on the right side (or the road going to the right) is ganna be like city like exacly like curitiba! and im ganna be standing in the road. and on the road to the left is like out in the jungle a dirt road with little houses and its ganna be belem like and theres ganna be chris in the road. both of us in suits and then thers a sign in the middle and its pointing both ways.. one says Belem and the other Curitiba and on the top it will be like "The Best Two Years" cool right. and the guy is professional too!! i cant wait. but its time for me to go already. love you guys!!!!




Elder Arroyo

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Ok ya so i wont write a ton so ill have stuff to talk about. but well call from a members house!. but ya i will call you guys before to confirm. so ya sunday will be packed cuz i got church then lunch and after lunch here you guys will still be at church i think and i got a music program to sing at and i think i gotta be there at 5:30!!!! well have to see how it will go. i will just cut my email now and save it for the phone call. im ganna call you guys like saterday or friday .. well see!. love ya. oh ya we baptized another last saturday! Love ya guys!


Elder Arroyo